Notes 07/12/17

  • "One head is a head, two heads are gold"
  • Co-created virgin media brand
  • When in doubt then do something unusual
  • Mannerism and  kind approach are essential 
  • The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement                        (NICKPOWELL)                

    • Everyone should at least be doing some form of  media studies
    • New/digital media allows for smaller stories to be significant 
    • BBC have to embrace the way young people use the media 
    • There is an inherent superiority that white middle class male have over minorities when it comes to be represented and portrayed accurately and positively in the media. (SAMIRA AHAMED)

      • "Social media now has the same power and drive that cable tv use to have back in the 80s"
      • The audience have the abiltity to manipulate how the tv is presented/constructed
      • In addition, tv can also maniplute the audience in terms of how they taken in the information given to them. (LESLIE MANNING)                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
      • "You need to know the truth of your story"
      • Has worked with netflix- love sick and the crown
      • The media force unrealistic and non-viable notions of ideologies of women. (TOM FORD)                                                                                                                                                     
        • "Work with people more talented than you"
        • "Sometimes leave things until the last mintue"
        • "Exploit those around you e.g friends and family" (ADAM BUXTON)


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