Moonlight tells a story of a black boy across three distinct life stages. Played by Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders and Trevante Rhodes, a black male growing up in a tough neighbourhood with the added pressures of unstable and needy crackhead mother and he also has growing awareness of his own homosexuality. Chiron suffers both physically and psychologically at the hands of both his mother and his classmates, with only the comfort of a local drug dealer and his wife to help me out. In addition, we watch a a playful, secretive relationship with a fellow classmate grow.
The audience witnesses Chiron evolving from a small, sensitive, almost mute boy, to a weedy, conflicted teen to a surprisingly different kind of adult, and it’s up to the individual opinion of the viewer whether the trajectory of this life journey is a positive or a problematic. The film is heartbreaking to the audience on many different levels, but has wonderful moments within it such as the swimming scene.
Lastly, whats amazing about this film is it covers two topics that are rarely combined in mainstream film, that of the African-American experience and that of the gay experience. Also the cinematagory in the movie is breathtaking and captures the moments within the scene like no another.
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