Magic Mike XXL

It is clear that the film is targeted to meet the wants of the female gaze and amplify the sexual liberty of both women and men. 
The male protagonists are replaced from the typical hyper masculined male to present more non-binary men as the men in this film  clearly in a more subservient and objected role which is usually subjected to women. This is shown within the movie as there is a scene where the male protagonists are grooming themselves carefully which included plucking and shaving excessive amount of male body hairs.
However it is arguable that is still an element of control and dominance lies within the men as the moves used as clear placing the women in the subservient role and expressed the men as leading and governing body.
Alternatively, this can be seen as placing importance for the sexual pleasure of both sexes and normalising it. However backing up the main point, this can be used to show the need for more women empowering and liberty films that promote feminism without the need for objectification of either sexes.
In addition, the overly visual pleasuring and stimulation for its majority female target audience can be received as positive as it brings the needs and wants of women to the film industry and due to the success of the film, this may bring in more films trying to tackle the same issues.


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